Style-Delights: The Swing Jacket, White Jeans, Red Shoes And A SAHM* Smile!

April 4, 2012

The Swing Jacket, White Jeans, Red Shoes And A SAHM* Smile!

*Stay At Home Mom (SAHM)
"So, do you work?" 
"At Home!"
I had this conversation recently with a 'working' mother (is there any other kind?)! I know working mothers are superwomen, they handle work, home, kids, spouse and family so well.  But it does not mean that stay at home moms have it any easier! 3 years ago I was one of those working women! After much deliberation, I decided to stay at home with my kid. I admit, I miss working in a structured work-place, having adult conversations for the large part of my day and most of all I miss getting dressed up every morning!  But this was a conscious decision. I chose to stay at home! And believe me - challenging doesn't even start to cover this profession!  But it feels odd and somewhat infuriating when people think if you are stay at home mom, you just kick your legs up on the coffee table and watch soaps all day! We just don't 'stay' at home people! We run errands, cook, clean, teach, sing, dance, play, drive, blog, take kids to places, set up play -dates, bake for school, read to their class, and watch our hard work translate into something! In a way we are 24/7 working professionals with no sick days and dental! Holla to the SAHM!! (I told ya I was eloquent!)
Coming to the outfit - this Ann Taylor swing jacket was my work wardrobe staple - with pencil skirts, trousers, slim fit pants and even with bootcut jeans on casual days! I am not working in an office but this jacket still gets the attention it deserves - if only from the the cute little ones!
BTW, I am linking this post to Fashion Friday and Monday Mingle See you there!

Seeing double! I really need a clone to handle all the work I have as SAHM!
Jacket - Ann Taylor
Jeans - Forever 21
Shoes - Target
Get this look here (on any budget!) -
I salute working mothers for all they do and respect stay at home moms for their hard work! BTW, what's your verdict on this jacket?
For daily dose of style delights, connect with me on-


  1. You rock Jyoti! :)

    Sent u an email, pls check your inbox! Have a great day!


  2. wow amazing look, your are lookign so beautiful ,good outfit. love your blog.

    check out mine blog's lastest post

  3. Three cheers to the SAHM!! Love the jacket and those red flats are super cute!

  4. The jacket is a keeper! Love this look and the pop of red! Much respect to u and all u do :) I can barely work ft and blog!! Lol


  5. Oh I like the red pop you gave to the outfit with your flats! :)

  6. I understand Jyoti .Good post
    Same thing happens with the working women ,the world thing we are irresponsible and we do not takecare of our babies,hubby and home .... just bcos we have a career ..
    i have almost stopped thinking abt such people .
    they only know to let us down .
    So dont worry Jyo ....its the world thing ,we cant do much .

  7. Forgot to mention ,lovely red pump :)

  8. Love your outfit and I love those shoes!!!


  9. According to me, being a parent itself is a full time job!!! You have equal amount of work (sometimes even more) whether you are a stay-at-home mom or a working mom!

    Love your jacket!


  10. Great outfit. Those red flats are amazing.

    I have lots of respect for SAHMs. I could never do that job. Too demanding.

  11. thank you for this post...I am also a SAHM so I understand what you are talking about. Being a stay home mom is the best job in the world, You definitely chose the thing. I have been with my kids for thirteen years, I have never regretted a single day. You look stylish and classy, the jacket is elegant, stay home moms don't have to be in sweats all day, you are a classic example of how chic a stay home mom can be!


  12. Love the pop of red with the monochrome look great :)


  13. Hello :)
    Girl... Hats off to the SAHMs. I do not know what it is like but, I have a puppy and I don't know what I would do if I had a real baby. I understand how fustrating it can be when people judge you. Well, at least you look great while your staying home. lol The pop of red is genius.
    Tarah and the City

  14. i understand exactly how you feel, because these are my feelings too. that's why sometimes wondering why i started a blog? i'm not so fashionable with all my jeans and tops running through my/kids daily schedule.

    you look very nice :)

  15. You are looking so classy in that jacket ! I love the cut of that jacket .
    I loved reading this post , all stay at home women would identify with this,
    Take care,

  16. beautiful post!!i'm following your blog!!!!

  17. Your Look i Great!!So Elegant and Chic! Love it!

  18. Lovely jacket & those shoes are adorable <3

  19. You look gorgeous ,i love that Outfit!

    xxx :)

  20. Hey! I just found your blog and think it's very inspiring and a lot of kdivitelen posts available)
    If you want, we can sledovab friends for a friend, I would be very happy)

  21. I'm sure you're getting attention from more than just the little ones, although grown men can be quite childish sometimes! Walking down the street, there must be many heads turned your direction! You work at the hardest job of all and you look fabulous. I love the Ann Taylor "swing" jacket. (Thanks for that word.) The red shoes make it all snap and pop!

  22. it works like that in all the world!
    just don't care. you look beautiful for one that stays with the legs on the table watching soap operas ;)

  23. Hello lovely! I tagged you in a blog post! Hope it shows just how much I adore your blog! <3

  24. I completely agree with your decision, I would do the same despite people don't understand me, is my live and my decision! Maybe they are jelous because they can't do it!

    I love your jacket, looks so classy and chic on you!

    xoxo from München
    La Vie Quotidienne

  25. Hi dear! you look very elegant!:) I like the shoes, so cute!:)Btw, I totally agree with u, and u must be a great mom for ur decision!:) kisses!

  26. Thank you so much for your sweet comment! :) I just followed you on bloglovin, if you like follow me there too! :)

    X Camilla

  27. Lovely outfit!! I really like ur style! Kisse :)

    xx Iza

  28. I love this outfit, Jyoti! And, staying at home with my toddler is the HARDEST job I have ever done! LOL! Some days, I would be willing to climb mount fuji just to get some alone time!!! LOL! HOlla!!!!! Love you for writing this! I was so about to do a blog post on this too! So funny! xx


  29. Black and white looks so chic on you! I love the little pop of color with your red cute!

    The Tiny Heart

  30. love the pants!

    the STYLE Fringe BLOG

  31. You've peeked into my mind!! The SAHM really needs some good PR, stat!!! You look great, love those shoes!!!

  32. Great look and great blog.
    If you want we can follow each other via GFC. Promise to follow back if you like my blog and follow. Kisses

  33. Love the outfit :) Thank for the comment on my blog, love yours and now following! x

  34. SAHMs don't even get paid at the end of the day. And how about working 24/7 365 days a yr???

  35. The red shoes totally rock Pretty lady!

    Nice picks!

  36. Love the swing jacket and the pops of red!!

  37. Thank you so much for visiting my blog!
    Good to meet you dear :)
    Also, thank you for visiting my first partnership retailer ZOOSHOO
    As you mention budget items up there!
    ZOOSHOO has pretty budget price point too. right? Hope you shop there some day ;)


  38. I think you look great and any mom whether she chooses to work or stay home doesn't have it easy. My colleague is expecting her third...and it's another boy. She'll continue to work sigh! I don't know how people do it.

  39. hey! love this outfit ! especially the flat shoes!
    lovely pics too!
    have a nice day you too!

  40. Thank you for such sweet words:* have a nice day too:)

  41. amazing outfit hon!!!
    have a great day :)

  42. wat a lovely outfit
    love d jacket so much n paired wit white n red it looks amaizng!! :)
    new post on my blog

  43. Great look! I really like the colours and the flats :)

    Love, Susann
    Fashion in Pepperland

  44. love your outfit - your jacket is so cute!!

  45. Love the jacket and the red flats!
    And any mother has it hard! I believe they are all super women and have no idea how they do it!


  46. luv the jacket!

    totally agree on the mum at home issue! i would like to be a stay at home mum whenever i'll have kids, and i'm sure i'll be doing this argument.

    Unfortunately its really easy to take other people's efforts for granted!

  47. Love the jacket. And how did you get comfortable with wearing prints? I'm 28 and still can't wear prints...

  48. very nice outfit and you look amazing!

  49. Hiya sweetie, you look so elegant in this awesome outfit, the jacket is a fantastic piece, love the dash of red. I admire you and all the stay at home mums because I can imagine its a really difficult although rewarding job and its the most important one of them all.

  50. thanks a lot for the comment:)
    i really like this jacket <33


  51. Okaaay, so when I started reading your article I was actually really excited. I dunno why, but I always love reading people's stories, it's so much fun to me. Well, I think you're an amazing mother! So lucky you could just sit at home and work and at the same time do all those busy works at home :D

  52. Totally in love with your outfit! :) Following your lovely blog now! Would love to see you on mine! love, Kotryna

  53. I agree that SAHM are very busy people. I know that in my young mother days, I rarely looked as put together as you do in this outfit.

  54. Thanks a lot for your lovely comment on my blog! Really like your blog and your writing! I am your new follower! Please follow back if you like xoxo ES

  55. I can not agree with you more. Like we work 24 hours a day and still end up listening we do not work at all. Even I left my job for good.

  56. Glad I stumbled upon your blog! Totally agree about working moms. I don't have kids yet but I watched my mom do all these things for years and years. People need to give moms more props! LOVE what you're wearing- chic and versatile- and the pop of red is just the icing on the cake! x

  57. I really love your blog!
    Keep posting dear!!

  58. When I'm a mum I want to look like you!!

    Love the alternative pricing guide at the bottom :)

    I'm now following you for more inspiration!

    HH xx

  59. LOVING those pants, and they look great with those shoes! Work it girl... perfect white for spring time. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  60. I love your chic outfit for a afternoon lunch. I love that you are proud to be a SAHM.

  61. Love the look! U have a lovely smile...
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  62. I agree...SAHM are the hardest working ladies out there! I look up to you for it!! Can I borrow that jacket, by the way!? :) Super fab!
    Giveaway @ Because Shanna Said So

  63. love the jacket :)

  64. You know qhat? I like the three colors game: black, white and the strongness of red :)

  65. Love this look! You have a wonderful blog. I am a new follower and I found you from Hollie's #FF.

  66. love the pop of red in your outfit. Also SAHM work just as hard as work moms do.

  67. I love your look! This outfit is great!

    And my mom was at a SAHM and I agree - people don't realize it IS a job. Good for you!

  68. I'm glad that you want follow each other! I've just joined your site by google:) I'm waiting for you:) Kisses:)

  69. you look beautiful!! love the pop of the red shoes!!
    I am your newest follower...pls follow back if you can.

  70. Thank for your visit on my blog;)

    I follow you now:)

    Sweet Dream

  71. Cute look! Love the pop of color with your flats!


  72. omgosh! i love your fit! white jeans are super cute! wish i could pull them off. love love love your pairing shoes and jacket. stunning!

  73. Love this look and I REALLY want some white Skinny jeans for the summer.

  74. I love the black and white paired with the red shoes. Very chic.

  75. Amen Sister! Stay at home moms do not get the credit they deserve, it is a tiring job with horrible pay, but the benefits are endless.

    Your outfit is adorable, you look so cute! I especially love the red shoes!
    Found you on Monday Mingle, and I will be back!

  76. Love those adorable red flats! Thanks so much for joining the Monday Mingle fun!

  77. loving the black and white with the pop of red! You look awesome:)
    Hardest job on the planet for sure!

  78. I love this combo with the black and white trim and the red flats. So chic and practical too.

    Visiting from Monday Mingle.

  79. So chic! It's a great outfit made better by the shoes. xoxo Nicole

  80. i think there is nothing wrong if somebody asks you whether you work or stay at home. I think only people who suffer from some sort of complex (of not working) would get offended by it. If you're really happy doing whatever it is that you're doing, you wouldn't really think about all the over-generalizations like SAHMs watch TV all day etc.

    I've seen working women being accused of not taking take of child, child's food, hubby's food etc. What have you got to say abut that?

    I expected more from you after reading your older posts.

  81. Thank you all!!
    Thank you anonymous for your thoughts! I understand life is not easy for anyone, and we all have the certain stereotypes we have to fight. But in this post, when I am saying that stay at home DO work, It does not automatically mean that I am taking a shot at 'working moms'! My response will be the same to someone who accuses working moms of not taking care of kids etc.. My point is - we ALL work hard, so no judgement about our 'not working'!! I hope I am able to convey what I really want to say in the post! Thanks for reading and expecting good write ups from me! It means a lot! Have a wonderful day!

  82. When I have a kid I want to be a stay at home mother too. I think giving up a job to be there for your kid is not easy..but you do it for the sake of your family! And that's great! People generalise too much!
    I love you jacket!


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